Button Web Design is owned and run by ‘World Famous‘ web designer Matt Parsons from his home office, in Doonan, on the outskirts of Noosa Queensland.
OK, not particularly famous but Matt spends most of his spare time with his Wife and Daughter, mountain biking and outrigger canoe paddling.
He started coding websites just after an old friend introduced him to this new thing called ‘The Internet’. Matt even still has his first website saved to an old floppy disc somewhere.
His first website was a resource of where the best local mountain-bike trails were to be found.
Since the good ‘ole days (back when he had hair and abs), Matt had the pleasure to work for such clients as Rolls Royce, Heinz, Kawasaki, and a ton of SME’s and Charities across the globe.
Matt was lead interface designer, front-end developer and project manager for a well-known web development agency before starting Button Web Design in 2011.
Matt Parsons